Bye 2018 , Hello 2019!

Personally, last year has been really great for me having met awesome people, visited lovely new places and I would never forget how 2018 had impacted my life productively. In between studying Norwegian and working offshore, I went through a difficult phase when I began to feel exhausted which was the reason I had to stop writing for the past weeks. Just when people back home in Manila thinks I’m doing fab here, deep inside me, I was already beginning to feel down. I guess we all go through this normal kind of phase at some points of our adjustment. So I’ve been quiet and figuring things out, like I was on a deep reflective state (I felt confined in this beautiful sanctuary when I’m home alone, I have so much time to meditate). The stillness here in Haugesund is the exact opposite from where I grew up from – loud, congested, busy streets of Quezon City.

Surprisingly I like it here as much as I hate to admit it before. Some say it’s so boring here, but for me, it all boils down to how to connect with your inner self and be really honest to find out how will you convert boredom to productivity. It’s very subjective. I finally understood how one can be depressed in a new country if you don’t do something to acknowledge it and fight for it.

To start 2019 objectively, I would be writing about what’s the latest on immigration related rules- case samples to spread awareness to our fellow immigrants. I would also like share my journey to assisted fertility treatments because we’ve been trying to have a baby for the last four years and last November we got approved for the treatment.

That’s it for now and I wish you all a prosperous New Year!

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